Latest news in Year 6

Another amazing week in Year 6, full of fun activities and new experiences! We had our Holocaust workshop with two amazing teachers from Thomas Alleynes- who taught us the history of the Holocaust and what happened during the horrifying event. We learned over 6 million Jews were killed due to their religion, race & beliefs.
We have started a new unit in literacy on persuasive speeches- mainly learning about Greta Thunberg and how she has the passion to try and save our beautiful world. In addition, we are currently making posters about the topic Greta was trying to explain- Climate Change. A challenge is currently making its way around the school: we have been challenged by Mrs Young to draw a realistic tiger for last year’s astrological animal for the Chinese New Year, the tiger (a symbol of dignity, ferocity, sternness and energy). Another piece of art we have begun is titled ‘The Great Wave’, where we will be using cross-hatching to fill our designs.
Finally, in maths, we have been learning about the nets of cubes, 3d shapes and their properties and working extremely hard on our arithmetic scores. At Roebuck we are…
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