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Year 6 Blog

February 2020

  • Defibrillator Training 28.2.20

    Published 28/02/20, by Danny Alden

    On Friday, Year 6 took part in a 'Love your Heart' Workshop.

    Year 6 took part in a first aid session this week where they learnt what to do in a range of scenarios. They then took turns to get their partners into the recovery position, use an inflatable dummy to practise chest compressions and finally had a discussion about a defibrillator and how to use one. The Year 6s were very attentive and asked lots of useful questions. Many thanks to the company who came in to run the session.

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  • TT Rockstars/Smarties day 14.2.20

    Published 14/02/20, by Danny Alden

    On Friday 14th of February Roebuck Academy had a TTrockstars day (in case you are unfamiliar with this times table platform it is a safe internet game that we encourage children to use every day for 20 minutes or as long as they desire). 

    For this themed day we dressed up as rockstars with the outfit, hair and makeup. We had an extremely talented young lady come in and teach us a meaningful song which we sang at the end of the day as a whole school.

    Also we spent the day doing maths using a tube of Smarties. We worked with our partners to calculate the mean, median, mode and range of a tube of Smarties and also learned how to represent our data using a pictogram and a pie chart. We then spent some of the afternoon measuring ourselves and the room in Smarties. Fun fact: Mr Alden is 124 Smarties tall.

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  • 3 posts in one! A busy day 11.2.20

    Published 14/02/20, by Danny Alden

    On Tuesday Year 6 started the day with an E-safety assembly and task, followed by a road safety awareness workshop and finally finished the day off with our Fantastic Finish to parents.

    Road Safety

    We were joined by Barbara and Chris who work with the council to keep the roads safe. First we listened to a scenario about a road hazards and we discussed where should put different crossings. The council only gets a certain amount of money a year for different crossings so in the scenario we had a budget of £200,000. We had to think about how much money we were using and where to put the different road safety features. For example puffin crossing was £54,000 and we had to think about how many we used and their location.



    For e-safety day we were read a story titled #Goldilocks. We then had a go at making our own #fairy tale story. We were given the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to make up a funny piece of writing to go along with two designed pictures. In our story, the main character, Jack, posted things they weren’t supposed to and got into trouble for his actions with the giant.


    Fantastic Finish

    This doesn’t mean that we have finished our topic. In this period of time we read out a poem written by Wilfred Owen titled Dulce et Decorum est. this poem was accompanied by an emotive drama performed by 10 members of the class. Afterwards we sang a wartime song called “Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag”. We sounded pretty amazing if you ask me. Next we did a bit of cooking with our parents and made carrot buns using only the food that was available in war time as a result of rationing. We used a small amount of each item: sugar self-rising flour; sultanas, grated carrots, milk and eggs. We were given a wooden mixing spoon and a plastic bowl. The results wee delicious!

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  • Attendance Award 31.1.20

    Published 14/02/20, by Danny Alden

    A quick note.

    Just to inform you all that Year 6 are very proud to announce that we won the attendance award for highest attendance (for week 17th Jan – 31 Jan). We won with a high 97.3%.This is the second time we have won the attendance award and we hope to be having it a lot more in the run up to SATs.

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  • VR Experience

    Published 14/02/20, by Danny Alden

    On Wednesday 29th of January the whole of KS2 took part in a virtual reality experience. Year 6’s topic was World War 1&2.

    In this experience we witnessed the horror that heroic worriers had gone through in the time period of 1914-1918 & 1939-1945 altogether 10 years of horrifying sights and deaths were seen. Our first virtual picture was about one of the more higher standard trenches made from wood we found out they do not last long because wood lice ate their way through using the opening of bullet holes.

    Our second virtual image was all to do with a how hard medics had to work and how busy their job would be in the World Wars.

    The third image was all about the weapons that they used to attack and defend: snipers; grenades and machine guns.

    Our fourth and final image wasn’t about world wars but it was about a topic that we will cover next term. We learnt a bit about the Mayan temples and how they are now a sight-seeing tourist attraction.     

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