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Year 6 Blog

January 2021

  • Flotam- Year 6

    Published 18/01/21, by Andy Mari

    Year 6 have been absolute stars both in class and online. Our first week back we introduced our new Topic unit Coastal Crumble. To link with our theme of the coast, we looked at the picture book Flotsam by David Wiesner. The children loved our experience day looking at examples of flotsam that could have washed ashore and even had the chance to look at a camera that was around 100 years old to link with the text. The children have enjoyed writing their own sections of the story and have been very creative using similes, alliteration, and personification to create imagery for the reader. We will now be using what we have learnt to write our own follow-on story titled Jetsam. In science the children have been learning about classification of animals and had lots of fun classifying the class like a giant game of Guess Who. We continue to work hard to improve our times tables and build on the great success of last term. Lastly, I cannot praise our home learners enough. Those children who are working from home have shown a great deal of resilience and patience with technology and have demonstrated a real maturity towards their education which has been a delight to see. Well done Year 6!

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