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Year 6 Blog

November 2021

  • Year 6 Blog

    Published 21/11/21, by Andy Mari

    Mock tests

    This term we have been doing a wide range of tests in preparation for our end of year SATs: arithmetic, maths reasoning, grammar, reading and spelling. We moved the tables, so NO cheating was possible, and we were provided with all the equipment we needed. Reading was the hardest or should have been because it was the first test of the new curriculum from 2016.


    In our literacy lesson we have been focusing on a book called Rose Blanche written by Roberto Innocenti. The book is about war and Rose's perspective of what happened. We have had a few experience days, brainstormed vocabulary, acted as characters from the text and used Chromebooks. Finally, we have been working hard to plan and write our own endings for the story.


    This term, in art we have been completing a unit called 'Make my voice heard'. We started by focusing on graffiti tags and learning what the laws are about graffiti. One of the classes began to look at the work of Kathe Kollowitz. We have been writing our names in block letters, then we were adding cool features around it to make it more like the vibe of graffiti. We will be going on to colouring them in with different colour oil pastels to make it look nice and colourful and to stand out.


    In our history lessons we have been learning about Wonderful Women. We have been focusing on the fact that women were not allowed to do the things they wanted to do. They were not allowed to have jobs or to have the rights that they wanted to do such as vote. They were forced to marry a man that their father chose even if the lady didn't like him. As a female student this is an interesting topic, and we can't wait to learn more about it. 

    By Pegasus house captain Hannah Wyatt 


    Assistant deputy Ellie Lang.

    Please click on the additional pictures below


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  • World War 2 day

    Published 05/11/21, by Andy Mari

    On Tuesday 2nd November, Year 6 were treated to a World War 2 day. First, we all had to dress up as average evacuees from the war. Miss Williams was a land girl and  Mr Alden dressed as a typical man from the WW2 era. We especially liked this because it was great to see how children dressed during WW2. After that, we met a man called Carl , who ran the WW2 workshop. 


    To begin our workshop, he explained the key events throughout WW2. He also showed us about who invaded where, why and what other countries got involved. We did many games and challenges  including; code breaking; a quiz and a ‘don't  buzz the wire’ game to see how steady our hand was which represented deactivating a bomb. 


    After this, we had a talk about what they ate and how they used the ration book. This was interesting because they didn't eat the same things we do today. Also, all of the food wasn’t in just one shop it was in many such as: the meat was from the butchers, the milk and cheese were from the dairy, the bread was from the bakers.


    He also showed us armour and weapons including: grenades, revolvers, machine guns and knives. We also saw a rifle which was called the Lee Enfield. We loved seeing all of these as it really captured our imagination. He also showed us what the soldiers would have to carry with them-we couldn't believe how much there was! Overall it was a very successful day.


    At Roebuck we are Historians! 


    Lois Walsh and Albion Xhaferi 

    (Year 6 Ash)

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