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Year 3 Blog

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  • Stonehnge mysteries in Year 3.

    Published 13/10/24, by Andy Mari

    In History, Year 3 have been learning all about the mysteries of Stonehenge. There are lots of reasons that archaeologists think it might have been built, such as: a healing place or an ancient calendar. Why not ask us what we think it was used for. We even built our own replicas of Stonehenge out of items found around the classroom.

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  • Welcome to Year 3!

    Published 15/09/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 3 have had a fantastic start to the Year. We have been busy thinking about our emotions and how we can share these with others around us. We enjoyed creating a piece of art inspired by Picasso where we thought carefully about how colours represent different emotions. 

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  • Art in Year 3

    Published 15/06/24, by Andy Mari

    In preparation for our Art workshop this week, Year 3 have been exploring Lourdes Villagomez. We discovered what inspired her work and what impact she has had on other artists. The children created double page spreads using bold colours and information about the artist as their inspiration. Key an eye out on our social media page on X (twitter)to see our final art piece next week. 

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  • Cushion making in Year 3

    Published 29/05/24, by Andy Mari

    This half term, Year 3 have been busy putting their textile skills to practice. They have learnt to sew a running stitch, cross and back stitch. They even learnt a new life skill by sewing on a button. They then put their skills to good use by making cushions! We are blown away by their determination and resilience. What a wonderful way to finish up the Summer term. 

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  • Sewing in Year 3

    Published 11/05/24, by Andy Mari

     This week, we have started our new Design and Technology unit. We recapped prior learning by threading a needle, tying knots, sewing a running stitch and a cross stitch. The children did very well and showed great determination. Stay tuned for our finished product. 

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  • Latest news in Year 3

    Published 27/04/24, by Andy Mari

    What a fantastic first few weeks back we have had in Year 3! We have been busy working on our sentence structures in Literacy, ensuring we are using the correct punctuation and conjunctions where appropriate. We have continued to delve into our Book Talk Books and exploring them through different Reading Rainbow lenses. As always, we LOVE visiting the library and one lucky child found a golden ticket! Hooray for new books! 

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  • Latest news in Year 3

    Published 02/04/24, by Andy Mari

    To finish up a short but busy term, Year 3 took part in Science Day! They were challenged with the enquiry question ; which material holds bubbles best? Children had great fun exploring the different materials and bubbles. To finish off our geography topic, the children used plasticine to recreate the different layers of the world. The children showed a fantastic understanding of how the earth is structured. They were also paid a visit by some chicks. Year 3 were very gentle and caring with them! Happy Easter from Year 3. 

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  • Cooking in Year 3

    Published 15/03/24, by Andy Mari

    Year three have been cooking this week! We became professional pizza chefs for the morning and met some objectives in our DT lessons. The aim was to be able to cut, spread, grate and roll ingredients. Delicious! 

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  • Making Roman Houses in Year 3

    Published 02/03/24, by Andy Mari

    This week, we have jumped straight back into our learning. We kicked started the week with a DT project. The children used 2D and 3D shapes to create a Roman Town House. We loved getting stuck into a project that links with our previous History Topic of 'Ruthless Romans'. 

    Later on in the week, we became news paper reporters. We begun by exploring news paper articles and reading all the wonderful reports that 'First News' has to offer. Follow us on Twitter, to see the rest of our writing journey. 

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  • Teamwork in Year 3

    Published 10/02/24, by Andy Mari

    Over the last few weeks, Year 3 have been working together in teams to create a park for people in need. The children were given a budget and had to work together and compromise. They used their computing skills to design their parks. Team work makes the DREAM work!


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  • Romans in Year 3

    Published 27/01/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 3 have had a fantastic day stepping back into Roman history. We have been engaging in archaeological fact finding, craftsmanship and absorbing realms of historical information to move our learning forward.

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  • Rocks and soil in Year 3

    Published 16/01/24, by Andy Mari

    We have kicked started this half term by starting our new topic 'Rocks and Soils'. We used our observation and classifying skills to group and compare rocks. We thoroughly enjoyed feeling the different textures and taking in natural beauty. Year 3, then had a go at completing some observational drawings of what they discovered and could see. At Roebuck, we are scientists. 

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