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Year 2 Blog

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  • Latest news in Year 2

    Published 15/06/24, by Andy Mari

    It has been a lovely few weeks back from the half-term break.  Year 2 have enjoyed exploring fractions in Maths. We have been working together to find half's, quarters and thirds. In writing we are reading The Crows Tale and will be writing our own ending of the narrative. We started by exploring the front cover first and making predictions about the text. In Art, we have been developing our colour mixing skills. We used primary colours to mix and used our sketch books to practise this. 

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  • Moving Monters in Year 2.

    Published 29/05/24, by Andy Mari

    A fantastic end of the half-term for Year 2. We have been working on Purple Mash to create different types of art. We studied different artists and used their pieces as inspiration when designing our own. In DT, we studied how to make objects move and designed and created our own moving monsters. We loved sharing our creations with our friends and evaluated our work when we had finished. We have loved exploring different texts in our HOB sessions. We have continued to develop our reading skills and enjoyed learning new vocabulary! 

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  • Latest news in Year 2

    Published 11/05/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have had a fantastic two weeks learning about knights and writing instructions on how to be one. We used our trip to Mountfitchet as inspiration and learned about knights and how they lived. Next week we will start to write another set of instructions on how to fence. We took part in a fencing lesson to learn all the different steps! 

    We have also been exploring 2d shapes in Maths and have especially enjoyed finding lines of symmetry! 

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  • Knights and Dragons in Year2

    Published 27/04/24, by Andy Mari

    Wow! what a great first two weeks back from the Easter break for Year 2. We have started our new topic and have been learning all about monarchs. We have also been reading George and the Dragon. We have enjoyed writing all about dragons and knights. Our highlight was visiting Mountfitchet  Castle. This will really inspire our writing and thank you to all the parent helpers who attended. 

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  • Latest news in Year 2

    Published 02/04/24, by Andy Mari

    A fantastic end of the Spring term for Year 2. We have enjoyed meeting the Chicks and learning about the Life Cycle in Science, celebrating Science Week and exploring bubbles, planting seeds with North Herts College and learning about Money in Maths! We would also like to thank all the parents who have attended our reading  mornings and afternoons, we hope to see you at them
    next term!

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  • The Marvellous Fluffy Squishy Itty Bitty

    Published 02/03/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have had a fantastic start to the new half term. We are enjoying our new text ' The Marvelous, fluffy, squishy itty bitty'. The book is about a child who wants to buy a gift for their mum. We started the week by discussing the importance of gift giving and shared our own experiences. We then made cards for special people in our lives and decorated biscuits.  We look forward to writing our narrative and next week will be planning our own story based on the text. 

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  • Chinese workshop in Year 2

    Published 14/02/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have had a fantastic term and we have thoroughly enjoyed learning about China! To celebrate the Lunar New Year we were visited by a Chinese New Year dance shop and learned a traditional dance. We enjoyed learning all the new steps and celebrated the Year of the dragon by performing our dance together at the end! 

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  • Latest news in Year 2

    Published 27/01/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have had another excellent two weeks. We have been enjoying our hooked on books sessions and have been exploring both fiction and non-fiction texts. We have been using the text to find evidence to answer tricky comprehension questions and have been working well together. In Science, we used spinners to match materials and objects, we had to use our reasoning skills to why certain objects needed certain materials to work. In Maths, we have continued to master number. We have been exploring how number bonds can help us add larger numbers! We have also been taking part in lots of reading for pleasure. We love our library sessions and love talking about books!

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  • Latest news in Year 2

    Published 16/01/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have had a great start to the New Year. We are enjoying our new topic 'China' and have been learning about its location and what life is like there. In DT we have been learning to sew a running stitch and this will help us in our future learning, when making a pouch. We have enjoyed being back dancing and working together to create different dance sequences. In Science we are exploring different materials! We are all looking forward to the term ahead!

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  • Year 2 at St Peters Church

    Published 09/12/23, by Andy Mari

    Y2 had a fantastic trip to St Peter's Church last week to celebrate 'The Christmas Journey'. We learned about the nativity and took part in lots of activities around this. Thank you to all the parent helpers who joined us and to all the volunteers at St Peter's Church for making it a very special day! 

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  • Busy time in Year 2

    Published 25/11/23, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 has had quite a busy two weeks. We have enjoyed exploring multiplication and division in Maths. We have been using a variety of different resources to support our understanding. 

    We have been raising money for Children in Need. We dressed up in spots and Pudsey wear and joined the Joe Wicks challenge! 

    We were also visited this week by No Outsiders who spoke to us about treating others kindly and celebrating differences. 

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  • Safari Stu in Year 2

    Published 11/11/23, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have had a fantastic start to the half term exploring cold places. In Science, we have been learning about animals and their habitats. We had our special visitor, 'Safari Stu' who brought in some of his friends for us to hold and learn about. We had such a fun time meeting a cockroach, tarantula, chameleon, snake and Bob the tenrec! 

    We asked lots of questions and learnt about how they adapt to survive in the wild. At Roebuck we are Scientists.

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