Train Driver in Year 2

What a busy few weeks in Year 2 - the sun is shining; spring is here and we are getting ready for the Summer. With the help of Students from North Herts college we went down to the school allotments and helped cleared the ground and planted some vegetables ready for next terms science topic 'How Things Grow'. It was a lovely sunny day, so we didn't mind being out and getting our hands muddy!
In year 2 we are learning to be train drivers! Mr McGrath is a real train driver who came to tell us all about what he does in his role. He even let us sit the train driver 'test' so we could see if we would be able to do his job. He showed us lots of training videos so we could learn different routes cross England, while explaining to us what all the controls in the cabin did.
In maths, we have been learning to tell the time. Counting in 5's along the numerals and understanding the difference between the minute and hour hand. Why not challenge us at home to see if we can tell you the time!
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