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Year 4 Blog

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  • Latest news in Year 4

    Published 15/06/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 4 have been busy revising their times tables this week. They have had fun playing a game with playing cards linked to this. We have also been exploring area and perimeter.

    In preparation for our art workshop next week with Amanda Jewitt, we have been researching a number of artists and artwork linked to a theme – sealife. This has allowed us to learn that art is often used to raise awareness about important issues such as protecting the oceans.

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  • Latest news in Year 4

    Published 29/05/24, by Andy Mari

     Rowan and Cedar have shown lots of enthusiasm during lessons for their summer term topics. 

    We have been developing drawing skills, including the use of techniques such as hatching and shading as well as charcoal and drawing with an eraser to create realistic 3d drawings of compositions involving everyday items. We have also used collage techniques to begin to explore printing techniques and are looking forward to experimenting with wax resist techniques before designing and creating our final outcomes.

    All Year 4 pupils have been busily practising and applying rapid recall of multiplication facts little and often throughout the week. The Year 4 team have been very impressed with the effort and enthusiasm shown towards this. Well done Year 4 and keep the great effort going! This will definitely support the upcoming Multiplication Tables check in June.

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  • Latest news in Year 4

    Published 11/05/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 4 have been busy completing their torch projects. They went back to their plans and then used different materials to clad their torch to help it fit the design brief. They then had the difficult job of putting their circuit into the housing without breaking the circuit. Lots of perseverance was needed at this point! We were really impressed with the creativity of the children and how they added extra features such as handles to their designs.

    In Maths, we have been using our work on decimals and applying this to money. The children have used their rounding skills to estimate before calculating worded problems. We have had lots of discussions about the relevance of this and how it is useful in real life experiences. 

    In Literacy, we have started to write a story based on the book called The Whale by Ethan and Vita Murrow. We started this unit by carrying out our own research about whales. We also had another experience day where we used items in a backpack to discover more about the main character in our story. Then, we made predictions about the choices she might make in the story.    

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  • Latest news in Year 4

    Published 27/04/24, by Andy Mari

    Year four have enjoyed kicking off the summer term with investigating, designing and making their own torches. We re used plastic bottles and applied our learning in Science lessons to create and add an electrical circuit including switches we made ourselves using cardboard, paper fasteners and paper clips. We are looking forward to including additional design features as our next step. 

    In computing, we have been animators and so far have investigated different types of animation and learnt about some features of animation programs, such as 'onion skinning' (a technique to see and work with several frames at once).

    In music lessons, we have been appraising songs by the Beatles and accompanying these with singing and instruments. We are really looking forward to creating our own compositions linked to these songs.

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  • Latest news from Year 4

    Published 02/04/24, by Andy Mari

    We have enjoyed completing our Egyptian scrolls and are really proud of the fact that in addition to composing and adding our individual designs, we actually constructed the paper for our scrolls ourselves in a way that the Ancient Egyptians would’ve created paper from papyrus for writing on!
    In PE, we are also putting our cricket skills and knowledge into practise and this has also been a great opportunity to build on our teamwork skills.
    We thoroughly enjoyed investigating bubbles with our enquiry question ‘Which temperature of water would make the best bubble bath?’ Our results proved warm water to be the best! The Easter activities provided in our Easter-themed workshop provided by students from Oaklands college were ‘eggcellent’ and plenty of fun was had by all who attended!

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  • Latest news in Year 4

    Published 15/03/24, by Andy Mari

    Last week, we were lucky enough to have an author visit. David Owen shared some of his books with us and spoke to us about his journey to becoming an author and his inspiration for writing his books.

    As part of World Book Day, we read a book called The Tower. Further to this, will delved deeper into the characters and had fun using drama to explore the conversations the children might have had with the tree man. We then went on to gather natural materials and created our own tree characters.  

    This week Year 4 started the week with a webinar session for British Science week. We enjoyed hearing from a STEM Ambassador, Liz Tinlin, who introduced us to how the planet has changed hugely over its long life and continues to change. We found out about the planet formation, surface erosion, plate tectonics, volcanoes, and even meteorite impacts. 

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  • Latest news in Year 4

    Published 02/03/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 4 have enjoyed settling back into school after the half term break.  In Literacy, we have been completing our letters to a famous author and have enjoyed learning about persuasive writing techniques. We are now looking forward to planning and writing letters to our chosen authors to see if we can persuade them to visit our school to further promote reading for enjoyment at home and school!

    In Art, we have been learning about how plants grown on the banks of the River Nile were used to make paper called Papyrus. We immersed ourselves in making our own 'Ancient Egyptian' style paper which we will then apply our designs to.

    We thoroughly enjoyed our Ancient Egyptians history workshop just before the half term break and launched into our new geography topic about the River Nile by looking at different types of maps which included the River Nile. We applied this to a team puzzle task which required us to identify features of the River Nile such as the delta, mouth and source and use this knowledge to piece together deconstructed maps. We are geographers!

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  • Busy time in Year 4

    Published 10/02/24, by Andy Mari

    This week in Year 4 we have been writing our own playscripts. Whilst in the Egyptian section of the British  museum, two mummies woke up and Year 4 had to decide what adventures they would have in Stevenage. Some chose for the chaos to commence in the bowling alley, Gravity and the cinema. We had great fun using the features of playscripts to write about our characters adventures.

    In art, we have continued to look at artwork and patterns from Ancient Egypt art. We have now started to design and plan our own scrolls based on the theme ‘ourselves’ We thought carefully about how to compose our designs and experimented with colours that we thought would work well together. We had to think carefully about the colours we picked as the Egyptians used mainly browns, reds, blues and yellows.

    As part of Safer internet day, we thought about the things that we need to do to make sure we are safe when using technology. Then, we listened to some raps about internet safety before we had a go at writing our own to share our messages. It was great fun thinking of the rhyming couplets and having a go at performing them in a rap style

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  • Ancient Egypt in Year 4

    Published 27/01/24, by Andy Mari

    In Year 4 we have started our new writing unit on playscripts and engaged enthusiastically in our experience day by taking a virtual tour of the setting of our playscript and performing the script to bring it to life. We are looking forward to developing our playscript writing skills and applying this to our own creations.

    We have had great fun exploring how sound is made and carried out investigations using cup and string telephones to see how the length and tension of the string affected the sound heard.

    We have enjoyed learning more about Ancient Egypt including how hieroglyphs were used in communication and applied this knowledge by creating our own cartouches.  We have been learning about Ancient Egyptian art and will be combining learning about the features and techniques to create our own Ancient Egyptian scrolls.

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  • Latest news in Year 4

    Published 16/01/24, by Andy Mari

    It has a busy start to the term in Year 4. In art, we have been getting creative and drawing and then painting our final pieces. We had to arrange five items to create a still life composition with a theme. We then looked carefully at this and sketched it out before using water colours to paint it. We used black and white to help create shades of our colours, which allowed us to achieve a 3D picture.  

    In Literacy, we are writing fantasy stories. We started the unit by exploring the main character in the story of Aladdin and watched clips from different versions of the story to inspire us. We have enjoyed developing our characters and building up the setting at the start of our stories.  

    Our new science unit is all about sound. This week we have been looking at different types of sounds and how they can be made. We’ve had fun trying to make sounds that fit certain criteria. For example, loud, high-pitched and continuous. 

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  • Latest news in Year 4

    Published 09/12/23, by Andy Mari

    It has been another busy week in Year 4. We have started a new art unit and have enjoyed getting creative and setting up our sketch books. We have also experimented with creating tints and shades using water colour paints. We learnt that you add white to a colour to make a tint and black to a colour to make a shade.  

    In Literacy, we have finished our balanced argument unit where we wrote our own independent piece about school uniform. We have now started a poetry unit which we are all enjoying writing about a small dragon that we have found in various different locations.  

    In science, we have been classifying different vertebrates. We got into home groups and then went off into our expert groups. Whilst in these expert groups, we learnt about the features of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish. Once we had learnt the facts, we then went back to our home groups and each expert taught their group. Then, we used this information to sort and classify different creatures according to their features. We really enjoyed learning in this way. 


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  • Latest news in Year 4

    Published 25/11/23, by Andy Mari

    Year 4 are continuing to enjoy the Maths No Problem lesson structure and have become so much more fluent with using manipulatives and finding a wider range of ways to represent and explain their reasoning to solve problems!

    We also embraced the opportunity to take part in Odd Socks Day. This event was a meaningful reminder of important messages about how to deal with bullying and have an anti-bullying mindset. In addition to this, we engaged in a very thought-provoking 'No Outsiders' workshop which helped us to consider how we treat one another and ways that we can communicate and interact even more positively together.

    We are really proud of our Pavilions which we made in our DT lessons! Our challenge was to design and build a secure and free standing structure which included cladding. We enjoyed using the glue guns independently to bring our structures to life and were also challenged to problem solve like designers in the real world when things did not work as we had planned in our designs. Mrs Jarman and Ms McAnuff were very impressed with the determination and resilience shown to overcome these challenges! Well done Year 4! We are architects!

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