Year 4 go wild!

This week Year 4 had a very exciting start to the week. We visited Paradise Wildlife Park where we enjoyed exploring the zoo and finding out more about the animals there. To support our science topic, each class had an interactive workshop called ‘All the Vores.’ During this we found out more about the diet of different animals and how you can tell if an animal is a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore by looking at different parts of its body. We also looked at the skulls, which had been created using a 3D printer, of different animals to help support this learning. After lunch, we explored The World of Dinosaurs where we saw 30 life-sized, animatronic dinosaurs. These were amazing to see and helped us to visualise how big they were! Everyone had a fantastic day and the children were thrilled to be able to go on a school trip again.
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