A busy week in Year 4

It has been another busy week in Year 4! During science, we have been finding out how sounds travel. We carried out experiments to explore this. One included using string telephones which allowed us to find out that when the string was tight the sound travelled better.
In PSHE, we have started our Brain Buddies sessions during which we started talking about our emotions and how we can deal with them. We focused on 'emotion surfing’ which focuses on using waves to think about our emotions. The wave will be high, but it won’t last - the emotion will pass. We used the words - It’s okay. It will pass. I’m okay - to focus our minds and help.
In our Computing sessions, we created two dimensional shapes using Logo commands.
On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to take part in a workshop run by North Hertfordshire College. The session had a Frozen theme and had a focus on saving the environment and the importance of keeping fit. We all had a great time completing the activities.
Another fun afternoon involved each class becoming detectives. Our task was to find out how Tutankhamun died. We knew that he was 19 when he died but there were three different theories as to how he died - accident, illness or murder! We enjoyed using the evidence and making connections between them before coming up with conclusions.
In Year 4, we are detectives!
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