Float in Year 4

It has been another busy week in Year 4. After finishing our 'Feast' stories, we have started a new literacy unit based on a book called 'Float.' On Monday, we had an experience day where we had to make an origami boat. Mrs Jarman and Ms McAnuff picked a hard design that none of us had tried to make before. We thought about our feelings as we were making it and discussed the vocabulary. It started off quite easy but gradually got harder and some of us felt very overwhelmed. However, we persevered, and we were very proud of our achievements at the end on the lesson.
Cedar class were lucky enough to work with Trestle theatre group. During the session, we used masks to get into character and explore different emotions. It was great to see the class developing their acting skills and getting into character. We have been able to borrow the masks so hopefully other children in school will get a chance to work with them in the future.
In Science, Year 4 have been investigating melting. They have planned and carried out an experiment to investigating how quickly ice melts when it is placed in different places.
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