Latest news in Year 4

It has been another busy week in Year 4. We have started a new art unit and have enjoyed getting creative and setting up our sketch books. We have also experimented with creating tints and shades using water colour paints. We learnt that you add white to a colour to make a tint and black to a colour to make a shade.
In Literacy, we have finished our balanced argument unit where we wrote our own independent piece about school uniform. We have now started a poetry unit which we are all enjoying writing about a small dragon that we have found in various different locations.
In science, we have been classifying different vertebrates. We got into home groups and then went off into our expert groups. Whilst in these expert groups, we learnt about the features of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish. Once we had learnt the facts, we then went back to our home groups and each expert taught their group. Then, we used this information to sort and classify different creatures according to their features. We really enjoyed learning in this way.
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