Latest news in Year 4

It has a busy start to the term in Year 4. In art, we have been getting creative and drawing and then painting our final pieces. We had to arrange five items to create a still life composition with a theme. We then looked carefully at this and sketched it out before using water colours to paint it. We used black and white to help create shades of our colours, which allowed us to achieve a 3D picture.
In Literacy, we are writing fantasy stories. We started the unit by exploring the main character in the story of Aladdin and watched clips from different versions of the story to inspire us. We have enjoyed developing our characters and building up the setting at the start of our stories.
Our new science unit is all about sound. This week we have been looking at different types of sounds and how they can be made. We’ve had fun trying to make sounds that fit certain criteria. For example, loud, high-pitched and continuous.
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