Latest news in Year 4
Year 4 are continuing to enjoy the Maths No Problem lesson structure and have become so much more fluent with using manipulatives and finding a wider range of ways to represent and explain their reasoning to solve problems!
We also embraced the opportunity to take part in Odd Socks Day. This event was a meaningful reminder of important messages about how to deal with bullying and have an anti-bullying mindset. In addition to this, we engaged in a very thought-provoking 'No Outsiders' workshop which helped us to consider how we treat one another and ways that we can communicate and interact even more positively together.
We are really proud of our Pavilions which we made in our DT lessons! Our challenge was to design and build a secure and free standing structure which included cladding. We enjoyed using the glue guns independently to bring our structures to life and were also challenged to problem solve like designers in the real world when things did not work as we had planned in our designs. Mrs Jarman and Ms McAnuff were very impressed with the determination and resilience shown to overcome these challenges! Well done Year 4! We are architects!