Latest news in Year 4
It has been another busy week in Year 4. In Literacy, we have really enjoyed being creative and writing poems based on the poem The River by Valerie Bloom. This poem is full of metaphors and rhyme so it has been a fun challenge to think of rhyming couplets and metaphors that work for each stanza.
In Geography, we have found out about the Aswan High Dam which was built on the river Nile. It took ten years to build as it is so big. It was really interesting to find out the negative and positive impact this had on Egypt. We used all this information to make our own leaflets about the dam.
During our Science and DT lessons, we have been researching different types of torches ready to design our own torches next week. We have also had a chance to experiment with wires, cells and bulbs to create a circuit that we will use in our torches. Our next step is to add a switch to our circuit so we can turn our torches on and off.
In Year 4 we are creative!