What a thaw-some term!

We finished our topic all about the water cycle, where we created our own models to demonstrate the continuous recycling process of the water on Earth. We then used our findings to write our own explanation texts, in English. Did you know that there is the same amount of water on Earth now as there was when it was first created?
In DT, we explored a range of greeting cards before designing and creating our own electrical version using a circuit. Ask your child, “What components are required to make a circuit?”
In maths, we completed the first part of our fractions unit and have worked hard to understand how to add and subtract improper, mixed-number and unlike fractions.
We also had a snow-tastic time making snow angels and snowmen outside on the field.
Well done for a fantastic first term in Year 5!
Merry Christmas.
Mrs Norman and Mr Downie
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