Vikings in Year 5

Wow - what a magnificent start to the Spring Term in Year 5! I only have a few lines to cram in all the wonderful learning we have achieved so far. We started off our Viking topic with some cooking, making Viking Stew (known as 'Krause') and Viking bread. They all performed wonderfully well and created some tasty food! Mr Alden gave it a five-star rating! Whilst one class were cooking, the other class were trying to sell cars to each other as part of our 'Experience Day' for Literacy. Mr Downie's car got sold for £1.5 million, so he is skipping happily to the bank on Monday!
PE and Music have been going really well, as we have been restarting our Cornets learning, as well as starting a new topic of Gymnastics. We have even explored using apparatus and the wall bars! The adults in Year 5 have been really pleased with the start the children have we have to keep it up!
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