Latest news in Year 5.

Year 5 are enjoying their unit based on the book Cosmic. We started the unit with an experience day. During this lesson, we went out into the car park and used superlatives to try and sell the cars! We had great fun trying to convince other members of the class that our car was the best.
In Science, we have been busy finding out more about forces. We have been looking at the difference between mass and weight. We then carried out our own experiment where we used scales and newton meters to gather evidence and compare the measurements, to see if there was a link. We also had a fun lesson with bubbles. We were looking at what makes something move and the forces that act upon the object.
In art, we are focusing on portraits. We used a printed image of ourselves and used it to draw a continuous line drawing portrait. After we did this, we used tracing paper and created a poem that followed the outline of our portraits.
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