West Stow visit in Year 5

This week we visited West Stow, an Anglo Saxon museum, to investigate how people in this era would have lived.
We got to handle and interrogate different objects that were found at the site and replicas of tools and equipment that they used. The cow jaw bone drew a lot of attention with some at first thinking it could have been a person. We then looked around the museum and looked at things such as swords, shields and clothes (we even got to try some of them on!)
After lunch we visited the village. We went round in groups looking at how they were built and what materials were used. We found out that sometimes up to 10 people would live in a house with only one room and one fire. At the end of the day we all gathered in the 'Great Hall' and our group leader gave us some extra background information on the site and we got an opportunity to ask her questions about what we had experienced.
We had a great day out and it was fun to actually see and experience how the Anglo-Saxons lived.
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