Latest news in Year 5

Last week, we enjoyed a fantastic assembly by the author and illustrator MP Robertson. We then had a workshop with him and were taught how to draw a dragon. The results were amazing!
As part of our Mini Police session this week, Year 5 have impressed everyone with their phonetic alphabet knowledge. Most children could say their name using the language that the police use and some could recall the whole alphabet. We also investigated different types of bullying.
As part of Remembrance Day, we learnt about famous soldiers from World War I and II and found out facts about them. We then used these facts to create a memorial fact file poppy.
In science, we have planned and carried out an experiment to find out how the shape of a plasticine ball affected how quickly it fell through water. We found out that if it had a bigger surface area there was more water resistance acting on it and therefore it fell slower although some of our results were inconsistent.
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