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Year 5 Blog

May 2021

  • Eid in Year 5

    Published 20/05/21, by Andy Mari

    Miral and Moaz have been fasting during the month of Ramadan. They produced a presentation, which they shared with Juniper class, to explain why they have done this and how they celebrate the end of Ramadan with Eid. In addition, they brought in some items to help our understanding further. These included lanterns, wooden toothbrushes (they use these to do their teeth as using toothpaste would break their fasting) and their Qur'an. They explained how this is not read as we read books and showed the class the letters which are very different to the English alphabet. Miral even read a section of the book and wowed us with her fluency in a different language. Juniper loved finding out more about their religion and the celebrations they have. We are very proud of the commitment they have shown to their beliefs.

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  • Victorian day in Year 5

    Published 19/05/21, by Andy Mari

    Last week, Year 5 got dressed up as Victorian children and enjoyed taking part in a role play day.  First, we had to choose a Victorian name which we would be known by for the rest of the day. Before entering the classroom, we had to line up silently and in height order. The boys had to be at the front of the line and the girls behind them. When we entered the classroom, ‘Ma’am’ and ‘Sir’ checked our hands for cleanliness and we had to chant a rhyme, ‘cleanliness if next to godliness.’ A few children were told off for being dirty or biting their nails.  

    The first part of the day was filled with the 3 Rs – Reading, wRiting and aRithmetic. Victorian education wasn’t very interactive so we spent most of our time chanting (times tables and poems) and we weren’t allowed to ask questions! We also read text from a Victorian book about kings and queens and read a poem which explained how the Union Jack flag was created.  

    Everyone had the chance to practise their handwriting using a pen and ink as well as writing on a slate – we ended up with some very messy children.  

    During playtime, we played some games that Victorian children would have played. These included: pass the slipper, throwing bean bags at a target, hoops, hopscotch, skipping and tug of war.  

    After play, we got creative and made out own spinning tops, a thaumatrope (which is a Victorian animation made from card) and chalk observational sketches of leaves.  

    During the afternoon, we watched a production by Hobgoblin production company about a boy called Harry who escaped from the workhouse and ran away to London. This was a really interesting play which helped our learning come alive as well as teaching us more facts about Victorian times.  

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  • Year 5 exploring drama techniques

    Published 01/05/21, by Andy Mari

    Year 5 have continued to be immersed in their learning about the Victorian era and have started reading the book – Street Child by Berlie Doherty. Both classes loved taking part in an experience day where they had to act out the first chapter of the story. They explored the different ideas and feelings in the scene and thought about how they could use expression in their voices and face. Acting out the scene really helped the children to understand the scene and get a better grasp of how the characters were feeling at this point in the story. We can’t wait to find out what happens to the main character Jim and his family next.  In groups, we acted out the first chapter called ‘Shilling Pie. We focused on the main events:

    - Jim arriving to the shop   

    - Shopkeeper attitude towards Jim           

    - Buying the pie       

    -The reactions of the family     

    We shared our performances to the class and analysed with two stars, one wish.   

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