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At Roebuck Academy we now have Daily Supported Reading in Year 1 every day, All adults across the school have received training which enables children to receive high-quality daily reading sessions. Every day, all adults spend half an hour in Year 1 working with a small group of children to develop their reading skills. Every child will be read to and heard read on a daily basis. The children are grouped and groups will change on a weekly basis if needed. Assessments consists of listening to the children read, word order and fluency. Questioning will be used to check children's understanding of the text. The books are colourful and really fun to read. We are delighted with how Daily Supported Reading has started in Year 1 this year.

DSR is a scripted program that raises the quantity of successful Independent  reading accomplished by each child in Key stage 1. It  also supports a coherent approach to the reading curriculum. 

The programme  has twin aims:

  • It develops the skills of adults to meet the needs of children learning how to read
  • It ensures a varied responsive and consistent approach to independent text reading by children in EYFS/KS1

Together with Hackney Learning Trust, Sheels has compiled a list of books for use in this programme to aid children with their reading. All books supplied are labelled according to their level and can also be separated into zip bags to make group reading time easier. 

Please click here to visit Hackney Learning Trust website for more information.

Alternatively the leaflet provided in this link provides additional information. 

Intent of DSR curriculum  

Objectives of Daily Supported Reading 


  • To dramatically increase the quantity of texts that beginner readers engage with enjoyably and independently every day. 
  • To ensure all children have the opportunity to work with a trained adult in a small group every day. 
  • To establish a unified approach to early reading instruction across all year 1 reading groups. 
  • By these means, to move the majority of Year 1 to green book level in a short time as possible.  
    Daily Supported Reading 
    Twin Aims-For Children 
  • Quantity of daily reading in small groups of no more than 6, led by a trained adult. 
  • A focus on independent problem solving so that children actively construct their own learning while keeping a story of message in mind.  
  • Children have daily opportunities to read independently, in small groups, at their own ability level with a trained adult. 

    Daily Supported Reading 

    Twin Aims-For Adults 
  • The opportunity to teach a range of children who are learning to read 
  • To build the capacity of the school staff and DSR volunteers to move children on and make effective judgments about when to do so.  
  • To provided ongoing professional development for all adults involved 

    What is Daily Supported Reading? 
  • A quality first teaching programme that ensures sustained independent reading opportunities for children in year 1. 
  • This year DSR will also be used as part of our Recovery Curriculum for Year 2 and Year 3 due to gaps in learning from Covid -19 and school closure. 
  • All trained adults can be asked to lead a DSR group in school. (please avoid meetings 9.10-9.40) 
  • DSR sessions last 25-30 minutes.  
  • As part of the Recovery Curriculum the sessions in Autumn Term will last for 15 minutes to help pupils maintain concentration, motivation and pleasure in learning after returning to school. Repetition of texts will help memory and retention of learning. 
  • Lessons are scripted and take place every day without exception. 
  • Children are grouped by reading attainment level, there are no more than 6 children in a group. (more adults means we can be more flexible with groupings and move children when they need to be moved up) 
  • A DSR coordinator manages the implementation of the programme and organises weekly meetings for all the adults involved. These meetings last for approx 30 minutes and are used to collect feedback on the progress of each child.  
  • This data informs the regrouping of children each week and shapes the planning of the future teaching sessions. 
  • Meetings must include a professional development component.  
    Due to Covid 19- No DSR has taken place since March due to school closure.  
    The DSR leader also tracks the progression of each individual child on a tracker.  

    Teachers have ensured  
  • That children who are more vulnerable are with class teachers. 
  • Vulnerable children to be heard read each day. 
  • All adults have been trained, including new staff in September. 
  • Children are moved on when ready to be extended. 
  • Roebuck Academy has been asked to be a hub school to share the success of DSR in other schools. .