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Roebuck Academy is very fortunate to have an active and knowledgeable team of Governors. They are very involved in the direction and improvements made by the academy. Governors visit the academy regularly and take part in many academy events, including a half-termly 'Governors in School' half day which may include tours and lesson observations, meeting with Subject leaders and senior staff, student panel discussions, formal presentations and informal time with staff.

Each staff Governor links with an SLT member to understand more about the work of specific areas of the academy and to be able to offer advise and further scrutiny where appropriate.


The Governing Body are a "critical friend" to the Head and offer constructive feedback and challenge decisions where necessary.  Through regular meetings, the progress towards the School Development Plan is reviewed, pupil performance data is analysed and  areas for development are discussed.

Financial overview

The Governing body also oversees the financial performance of the school, ensuring that resources are effectively allocated and are linked to the school's development plans. Governors will be provided with a whole school picture of the overall school budget and review and approve spending in the annual budget prepared by the Head.  Governors do not just get involved in the budget annually, but they monitor how the budget is being spent throughout the year, receiving and reviewing regular financial updates to identify how the budget is being spent and potential financial challenges.

Part of the Community  

Governors come from a wide range of backgrounds, parents, teachers, local business leaders and community representatives.  By having this wide and diverse range of people, they can bring experience and insights from the local community. 

School Development

The role of Governors is to ensure the school is constantly striving for improvement and providing the best possible education for its pupils.  By supporting the school's development, Governors help prepare students for the future, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the world. 

Our Governing Board meets 5 times a year for a Full Governing Board meeting as well as attending Governor in School mornings, which are aimed at looking at School Development priorities.

Governors are also linked to Senior leaders within the school, and meet with these individual staff members to discuss the progress of their areas on the School Development plan.   We also have Governors with specific areas of responsibility - Safeguarding/Child Protection/Prevent, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), Pupil Premium and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


The scheme of delegation sets out the responsibilities of the Trust Directors, the Managing Director and the school governing bodies.



If you wish to make a formal complaint, please follow the complaint procedure as set out on the academy's website, or ask the staff in the academy office to send you a copy.

For all other comments or queries, please write to the academy or email to Please mark your letter or email  "For the attention of Robert Dale, Clerk to the Governors" or “For the attention of James Lawson, Chair of Governors”

Governors will acknowledge all letters and emails within 5 working days of receiving them, and reply in full within 10 working days.



The Articles of Association and the Memorandum of Association for the Hart Schools Trust is available online here.



Governor's attendance and declaration of interests 2023- 2024.

Link Governor Roles

We adapt our link governor roles to cover the key areas of our development plan alongside a whole-school overview, finance, and business management. The expectation would be for a termly meeting focusing on progress against the target area. Where possible, it would be good to identify a governor or pairs of governors to ensure availability and a sharing of expertise.