Test Results and Assessments
To view the 2024 primary school performance tables, please click the link below:
School Performance Data 2024
Year 6 End of Key Stage results
(EXS) |
2024 SATs results Unvalidated data |
2024 National |
Reading |
75%* |
74% |
Writing |
72%* |
72% |
Maths |
73%* |
73% |
67%* |
72% |
RWM Combined |
55%* |
61% |
2024 SATs results |
Reading |
12% |
Writing |
15% |
Maths |
17% |
Spag |
18% |
There were no progress measures in 2024 due to the pandemic where children did not sit end of KS1 assessments.
School Performance Data 2019
In 2019 Roebuck Academy had 59% of pupils achieving age-related expectations (ARE) in reading, writing and maths at the end of Key Stage 2. This is slightly below the national average.
In Reading, 72% of pupils achieved ARE with 21% achieving greater depth.
In Writing, 79% of pupils achieved ARE with 14% achieving greater depth.
In Mathematics, 76% of pupils achieved ARE with 14% achieving greater depth.
In grammar, punctuation and spelling, 69% of pupils achieved ARE with 17% achieving greater depth.
Above Greater Depth Scores are based on 110 being the GD Threshold.
The average scaled score per pupil was 104.0 in Reading, 104.0 in Mathematics and 103.2 in EGPS.
Progress measures for the school were: Reading: -1.0 Writing: -1.9 and Maths -1.9
Schools Performance Data 2018
In 2018, Roebuck Academy had 65% of pupils achieving age-related expectations (ARE) in reading, writing and maths at the end of Key Stage 2. This is slightly above the national average.
In Reading, 71% of pupils achieved ARE with 26% achieving greater depth.
In Writing, 87% of pupils achieved ARE with 19% achieving greater depth.
In Mathematics, 74% of pupils achieved ARE with 16% achieving greater depth.
In grammar, punctuation and spelling, 74% of pupils achieved ARE with 32% achieving greater depth.
Above Greater Depth Scores are based on 110 being the GD Threshold.
The average scaled score per pupil was 105.0 in Reading, 103.0 in Mathematics and 105.0 in EGPS.
Progress measures for the school were: Reading: -0.2, Writing: 0.9 and Maths -1.0.
Primary School League tables can be found here
Schools Performance Data 2017
In 2017, Roebuck Primary School and Nursery had 57% of pupils achieving Age Related Expectations (ARE) or above in reading, writing and maths at the end of Key Stage 2. In reading, 67% of pupils achieved ARE or above. In writing, 87% of pupils achieved ARE or above. In grammar, punctuation and spelling (EGPS), 77% of pupils achieved ARE or above and in maths, 70% of pupils achieved ARE or above. In relation to reading, 13% of pupils achieved a high standard. In relation to writing, 13% of pupils were working at greater depth within the expected standard. In relation to EGPS, 17% of pupils achieved a high standard and in relation to maths, 13% of pupils achieved a high standard. The average scaled score per pupil was 100.5 in reading, 104 in EGPS and 101.3 in maths. Progress measures for the school were: -4.02 in reading, +0.62 in writing and -3.22 in maths.
Schools Performance Data 2016
In 2016, Roebuck Primary School and Nursery had 50% of pupils achieving Age Related Expectation (ARE) or above in reading, writing and maths at the end of Key Stage 2. In reading, 57% of pupils achieved ARE or above. In writing, 87% of pupils achieved ARE or above. In grammar, punctuation and spelling (EGPS), 87% of pupils achieved ARE or above and in maths, 83% of pupils achieved ARE or above. In relation to reading, 20% of pupils achieved a high standard. In relation to writing, 17% of pupils were working at greater depth within the expected standard. In relation to EGPS, 37% of pupils achieved a high standard and in relation to maths, 7% of pupils achieved a high standard. The average scaled score per pupil was 101 in reading, 105 in EGPS and 103 in maths. Progress measures for the school were: -3.8 in reading, +0.3 in writing and -1.1 in maths.
The leaflet at the bottom of this page is for parents and explains how the progress measures are calculated.
Our latests Ofsted report can be found at www.ofsted.gov.uk
Top 100
In October 2015 the school was recognised by Government IQ as being in the top 100 ‘top performing and improving schools’ in the country. This was due to improving data and an improved Ofsted report (January 2015). An editorial was written about some of the work that has been carried out at the school. To read this editorial, please click on the following link: