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Video and Photographs
Videos and Photographs in School Productions
We all look forward to watching our children's assemblies and shows; our children work really hard to learn their lines and practice their songs. We know that most family members would like to have a record of these important events in their child's school life and we are happy for you to take photographs and short videos during performances. However, when taking photographs, we must abide by certain rules to ensure the safety of all children in our school:
- Parents are not permitted to take photographs or videos for anything other than their own personal use
- Do not post images or videos on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc) as these may include children who must not have their image online
- Please zoom in on your own child to minimise the number of other children who are included in your photos and videos
- Please be considerate of other people in the audience: turn off the sound on your camera or phone; only take short videos; do not use large screen devices that may distract others
As you know, most parents signed a consent form giving permission for their children to be photographed by the school. Some have not given this permission and so we respectfully ask all to follow these rules.
Thank you for you co-operation.