Latest news in Year 6.
Recently, we have been doing our independent writing based on a persuasive speech and picking something we are passionate about as our focus. For example, a persuasive speech about why we should be getting more sleep in the mornings, why Golden Time should be re-introduced and why school holidays should be longer. We also went to the library to help us focus on our learning as we were typing our speeches on the computers. In maths, we have moved on to our new unit which is ratio. We have been learning to compare numbers using ratio, dividing and multiplying ratio and converting ratio numbers into percentages and decimals. In music, we finished our unit with ukuleles so we tried playing some new songs using the chords we had learnt. To celebrate Storytelling Week, we created a storyboard around the book Journey by Aaron Becker. We then wrote our own setting description based on one of the images in the book. These we shared with some of the Year 3 as part of a storyboard around sharing session.