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Year 6 Blog

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  • Latest news in Year 6.

    Published 17/02/25, by Andy Mari

    Recently, we have been doing our independent writing based on a persuasive speech and picking something we are passionate about as our focus. For example, a persuasive speech about why we should be getting more sleep in the mornings, why Golden Time should be re-introduced and why school holidays should be longer. We also went to the library to help us focus on our learning as we were typing our speeches on the computers. In maths, we have moved on to our new unit which is ratio. We have been learning to compare numbers using ratio, dividing and multiplying ratio and converting ratio numbers into percentages and decimals. In music, we finished our unit with ukuleles so we tried playing some new songs using the chords we had learnt. To celebrate Storytelling Week, we created a storyboard around the book Journey by Aaron Becker. We then wrote our own setting description based on one of the images in the book. These we shared with some of the Year 3 as part of a storyboard around sharing session.

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  • Busy start for Year 6

    Published 19/01/25, by Andy Mari

    Last week in science, we were sorting ourselves out in groups like a game of guess who? We did this because our new unit is about Classification (which is to do with sorting animals and plants out using questions).  

    In PE, we have been doing badminton (using the forehand grip, backhand grip, and thumb grip) as well as taking part in a boxing workshop where we have been doing skipping and pad work.

    In literacy, we have started a new unit based on a book called Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. The book is about an 11-year-old boy called Michael. His family are sailing around the world when they get lost in a storm. Michael and the dog (Stella) end up overboard. We are going to start our Independent Writing next week and will be continuing the story with our own ideas. Also, we began art this term and have been copying Maya drawings (Maya was before the Egyptians in history.) On Thursday 16th January, we had Barclays Bank come to us and explain about keeping safe with money, how to budget and had a tour of a mobile Barclays banking van.

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  • Latest news in Year 6.

    Published 01/12/24, by Andy Mari

    In Year 6,we have been writing our last plot points for David Attenborough and planning our own independent writing based on feminism. There are 3 people we could choose from: Emmeline Pankhurst, Malala Yousafzai and Anne Frank. In maths, we are on a new unit, which is fractions. During this unit, we convert fractions to add and subtract them. In PE, we have been finalising our archery skills and counting up all our points as it’s our last week doing archery. In history, we have been learning about feminism and what the rules were for women a long time ago. In our music lessons, we have been learning how to play the ukulele, what strings to play and sing the song we have been learning ready to share with parents.

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  • Latest news in Year 6

    Published 17/11/24, by Andy Mari

    For the past week in Year 6, we have been busy making our own waistcoats while designing them with pockets and buttons for extra detail. We have also been doing a new sport in PE which is archery - where we have been practising our aiming skills. In literacy, since it was Remembrance Day, we were writing a remembrance poem as we watched a video explaining how important Remembrance Day is and what the soldiers did for us. Also, in literacy, we finished our independent write for the Graveyard Book so we could perform our stories for Fright Night. Since then, we have been focusing on David Attenborough and writing a biography based on his achievements.

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  • Latest news in Year 6

    Published 31/10/24, by Andy Mari

    In Year 6 we have been learning about black history - in particular the lives of NASA figures and how they changed the world for many people. The people who we have been focusing on are Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn and Mary Jackson. They were American mathematicians who faced many barriers but didn’t give up . In DT lessons, we have been preparing to make our  own waistcoats but in the style of WW2 and our unit is called Make do and Mend. We have been writing stories in literacy and have been starting to write our independent write to share to our parents at Fright Night! We have also been doing a new unit in maths which is about common multiples and have just finished our division unit. On a Friday afternoon, we do Science and we have been learning about evolution. Charles Darwin explained that over hundreds of years birds have developed to be able to eat different types of seeds to survive longer. This is called natural selection. We did a little investigation in class to understand this more.

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  • Latest news in Year 6

    Published 13/10/24, by Andy Mari

    Since returning from PGL, we have been learning about The Graveyard book in literacy, and starting to write our first plot point. It is all about a man called Jack who is after a boy called Bod who lives in a graveyard. In our maths lessons, we have been focusing on multiplying numbers up to 4 digits by a two-digit number. In our P.E. lessons this half term, we have been working on basketball but particularly matches and focusing on passes. Also, in the afternoons, in science we have been learning about evolution and Charles Darwin. In history, we are learning about WW2 and most of the lands in the UK were being bombed.

    By Jennifer and Ruby

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  • Raft building at Portland

    Published 26/09/24, by Andy Mari

    All the groups travelled down to Portland to take part in raft building. A change from the scheduled activity due to the high winds. With all the groups managing to build a raft that would float, they then played a variety of games in the water. With survivor,  Giant swing and zip wire in the afternoon, there is lots to look forward to.

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  • Wednesday morning activities

    Published 25/09/24, by Andy Mari

    After a hearty cooked breakfast, the children threw themselves into their morning activities. Fencing and abseiling were completed by all the groups with great enthusiasm. Some wonderful personal achievements, especially on the abseiling wall. We have been so impressed by the extremely supportive nature of lots of the children when faced by challenge's . Lunch was devoured and weather permitting, the groups have headed out for problem-solving and Jacobs ladder.

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  • Watersports at Portland

    Published 24/09/24, by Andy Mari

    The children enjoyed a trip to Portland sailing centre after lunch. Whilst there, two groups enjoyed Keel boating. Having not experienced this before, the teachers were amazed to see the children get into the Keel boats and disappear into the distance. While they enjoyed roaming the waves, the other two Roebuck groups got wet whilst enjoying an energetic kayak session in the harbour.

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  • PGL update Tuesday morning

    Published 24/09/24, by Andy Mari

    After a hearty breakfast of cereals or bacon , hash browns, beans and toast  groups enjoyed climbing and Aeroball this morning in improving weather. The children will be down in Portland this afternoon for  kayaking or keel boating.

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  • PGL arrival

    Published 24/09/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 6 arrived safely at PGL in Osmington Bay after a good coach journey. The children settled into their rooms and then went on a site tour before eating an evening meal of either fish fingers, meatballs or vegetarian chow mien. They were then entertained by the evening tournament before going to bed.

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  • Welcome to Year 6!

    Published 15/09/24, by Andy Mari

    What a fantastic start to the school year we’ve had in Year 6! It’s great to see so many students settling in brilliantly, embracing their new roles as the eldest children in the school with such respect and enthusiasm. A remarkable number of children have thrown their hats in the ring for Head Boy/Girl and to be part of the DREAM Team, demonstrating not only ambition but also courage to step into leadership positions.

    This week, we’ve also enriched our learning through extensive collaborative activities. Whether working in pairs or larger groups, the children have exhibited exceptional teamwork. Mr Alden and Mrs Longhurst couldn’t be more pleased with their effort and the high expectations they’ve already set for themselves – it’s truly commendable! Keep up the fantastic work, Year 6!

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