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Year 6 New Year

On Roebuck’s first week back after Christmas, we started the day off with an assembly about mistakes and how they help us to learn more. In Literacy,  which was really fun, we went in groups to different tables which had trays with objects in there that you would find washed away on the beach, and we had to guess who they belonged to.  At Roebuck, we are  detectives!

In Maths, we learnt about 3D shapes. We created 3D shapes with blue tac and straws in maths. The straws represented edges, blue tac represented vertices and the 2D shapes the faces. At Roebuck, we are Geometrists. 

In Science, we created our circulatory system with the lungs, heart and rest of the body. We drew a figure of 8 on the floor which represented our vessels. We had the lungs positioned at the top of our ‘8’, heart in the middle and the body at the bottom. We then discussed the direction of the blood and the roles of each of the organs and the part they play in the circulatory system. After we understood the direction of the blood, we then learnt how the blood becomes oxygenated and deoxygenated and why this was important.  At Roebuck, we are Scientists! 

By Leyshana and Eriola 

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