Latest news in Year 6

n Year 6, we have been very busy preparing our production - The Greatest Showman. Choreographing dances, rehearsing lines, going through scenes, we are trying to make it as perfect as possible. We cannot wait for you to see it.
Year 6 have also been writing our adventure stories. We have taken The Firework Maker’s Daughter by Phillip Pullman and written a story inspired by that. For example, The Potion-Maker's Daughter or The Shoe-maker's Son (written by pupils in Yr 6).
Another exciting thing this week has been our afternoon on Life Lessons. In these sessions, we learn new things helping us mature. This week, we have learnt how to tie a tie , ready for secondary school. As well as this, we also learnt the cost of packed lunches and how we can have a balanced diet. Making sure we are including protein, fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates and the right amount of sugars.
We have been super busy in Year6 recently and are having so much fun in our last few weeks at Roebuck Academy.
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