Busy times in Year 6

To finish our previous unit - Evolution - we headed to the Tring museum. We saw many animals of different kinds: rhinos, elephants and loads more animals. We have started a new geography unit which is all about the UK and Northern Ireland and have started learning about counties. During a Dreamcatcher assembly, people from Axis Communications came in to show us their presentation about Martin Gren (the founder), about what their cameras were for and we saw a live feed from a camera in Sweden! We have started using spreadsheets in our new computing unit for calculations. For art we are doing Still Life which is the art of drawing inanimate objects in 3-D.You may know some of the artists we studied: Andy Warhol, Caravaggio and Jean Siméon Chardin. In English, as part of our experience day, we handled different things from the beach (which Miss Legg kindly loaded in her car for us from the beach) to describe for our independent write ‘Kensuke's Kingdom’.
From Christopher Storton & Ruby Travi
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