Latest news in Year 6

This week we have been occupied with our Mock SATs. Some of us sat in the hall and in other rooms so we could experience what the real thing would be like.
In science, we cut open a lamb heart to study its chambers and veins. We then studied the blood by making a blood soup: adding Plasma (orange juice), Red blood cells(food dyed cheerios),White blood cells(white chocolate chips) and platelets (rice) into a jug. In DT, we have been studying different animal enclosures and what features are needed before we make our own.
During PE, we played rapid fire cricket, which is like cricket, but you hit 3 balls between the two players in the same team, and they run until the fielders have put the equipment back to normal. Lastly, in computing, we have started a new topic about text adventure where we make a storyline to make a game.
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