Geography week in Nursery

In Nursery’s Geography week we have been exploring our outside area and looking at the environment around us. We started the week with reading a book all about different mini beasts, and then we went on a bug hunt. We found lots of different creatures including woodlice, spiders and a snail.
We also learned all about British birds such as the robin, woodpecker and blue tit. We thought about what they need to survive and then made our very own bird feeders using a pine cone, lard and bird seed.
We also looked at some pictures of some natural art which was made using different natural objects such as leaves, stones and sticks. Then we had a go at making some ourselves.
We used our senses to go on a senses walk and looked through a ‘viewfinder’. We talked about what we could see and described things in our environment.
We finished our very busy week with a ‘teddy bear’s picnic’. We got to decorate a biscuit and then ate them in our outdoor area with our teddies.
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