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Year 1 Blog

May 2021

  • Pirate treasure hunt

    Published 18/05/21, by Andy Mari

    Year one are learning about prepositional language, writing instructions and using adverbs of time.

    We were left a letter from a pirate saying that there had been some treasure left somewhere in the outdoor area.

    We followed the photo clues hopping over the icy squares, leaping over the crocodile pit, climbing up the rusty rigging and bumping across the rickety pathways that led us to the gleaming booty!

    When we got back to class, we wrote instructions for another pirate to find the treasure!

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  • Year 1 Sea Shanty

    Published 01/05/21, by Andy Mari

    This week the year 1 children have been creating actions and dances to pirate poetry and sea shantys.

    The children listened to 'The good ship sails on the ally ally oh' and created an action for each verse. They then wrote about why they chose that action and what it means.

    We also looked at the poem 'Yo Ho Ho' and identified rhyming words and then thought of our own to add and extra section. 

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