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Masterchef in Year 3

On Thursday, we spent the day as Master chefs, where we took on the task of designing, making, tasting and evaluating our own seasonal tarts. We had to use specific skills, such as grating, chopping and slicing to help us. 

In science, we continued our unit on plants. We explored what happens to water and carried out an experiment with celery to see the process for ourselves. Can you ask your child, “What happened to the celery and why?” 

In English, we finished our sentence stacking about a flood. We enjoyed using personification to describe the monstrous storm. Can you ask your child, “How could you describe the storm?”  

In maths, we have discovered and practiced two strategies for mental addition. Can you ask your child, “Can you show me how to work out 34+68 using mental methods?” 

In art, we drew and coloured in sunflowers that were inspired by Yayoi Kusuma.  

Well done for another fantastic week! 

Mrs Norman and Miss Whitfield  

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