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Year 3 Blog

May 2021

  • Shadows in Year 3

    Published 21/05/21, by Andy Mari

    In Science this week, we were learning all about shadows. We learnt new vocabulary: 




    We found out that shadows are formed when an opaque object blocks the light source. To enhance our learning more, we created shadow monsters outside with our group. We had different challenges each time- we even had to make a shadows monster with no legs!  

    We also set up a stick outside Pear class to monitor and closely observe how the shadows moved throughout the day.  

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  • Roman Day in Year 3

    Published 20/05/21, by Andy Mari

    On Friday, we all experienced a Roman Day! This day was filled with lots of different activities all relating to Romans. In the morning, we had a carousel of activities in our groups. The different stations were:

    1. Javelin Practice- Roman’s enjoyed javelin as a sport. The soldiers also carried Javelin’s too.
    2. Gods and goddesses top trumps- The Romans worshipped many different gods and goddesses. We had to read about the different Gods and create top trumps about the Gods.
    3. Create a Roman Town- Each group had to design a part of a Roman Town.
    4. Tie-dying- Each group had to create a tie-dye. They had to chose to dye their material either turmeric (yellow), spinach (green) or beetroot (red).
    5. Puzzles- this station had lots of different puzzles relating to the Romans. They could choose mosaic drawing, colour by Roman numerals or word search.
    6. Pin the dot on Italy- The children were blindfolded and had to pin the dot on Italy.

    After these activities, Miss Whitfield led the children to sing 2 different Roman songs.


    After lunch, we had a quiz. We were split into different teams and had to think of a quiz name! There were 3 rounds to the quiz- all relating to our knowledge we learnt in the day!


    Next, we sat on the floor in a circle (how they ate at banquets) and got to try some foods the Romans had. We could try:

    • Dates
    • Figs
    • Olives
    • Bread with honey
    • Grapes


    Finally, we were treated to a real life gladiator fight between Mrs Chapman and Mr Steedman. The girls were told they had to sit at the back just like they were in the Roman time. The boys got to sit at the front! We all chanted for Mrs Chapman to win, and she did!


    We all had a brilliant day!

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  • Be Bright, Be Seen

    Published 01/05/21, by Andy Mari

    Our current Science topic is all about light. For this lesson, we were learning what reflection is and how important it can be to keep us safe. We worked in pairs and discussed that reflection is where light bounces off reflective materials. We also found out that light can be absorbed by dark materials. After this, we then worked collaboratively and produced a 'Be Bright Be Seen' poster. We had a checklist of certain items we had to include! We then had to present all this information to the class! 

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