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Year 2 Blog

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  • Chinese New Year in Year 2!

    Published 01/02/25, by Andy Mari

    Wow what a great few weeks we have had in Year 2! We have enjoyed learning more about China, how it compares to where we live and all about Lunar New Year. We took part in a New year celebration where we learnt a traditional Chinese dance and a dragon walk.

    In writing we have  been learning about Singapore and how to inform our audience about it. We hope we will apply these new skills in our independent write, where we will be writing all about China! Thank you to Mr Mari, who visited our classrooms and told us all about his times in Singapore! In Science, we have been learning about being healthy. We had a great session learning how to keep our bodies clean. 

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  • Magic paintbrushes in Year 2.

    Published 19/01/25, by Andy Mari

    What a great start to the new year for Year 2! We have enjoyed learning all about China in Geography and decorated our own Chinese fans to inspire our new story, set in Ancient China 'The Magic Paintbrush'. In DT, we have been learning how to sew a running stitch. In Maths, we are learning how to measure. We have learnt about Metres and Centimetres and can now measure using a metre stick and ruler. 

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  • Latest news in Year 2

    Published 23/12/24, by Andy Mari

    What an exciting few weeks for Year2! We performed for you all in our Christmas concert. We especially loved singing Dominic the donkey! We hope you enjoyed the show. We also welcomed some visitors who performed 'Jack and the beanstalk' for KS1. We enjoyed signing and interacting with the performers. In writing we look forward to our grown ups receiving our Christmas postcards. We were inspired by a 'Meerkat Christmas' and decided to write our own! 

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  • Latest news in Year 2.

    Published 01/12/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have been busy! We have been learning all about hibernation and came to school one day in our cosy clothes. We learnt about different hibernating animals and loved making our own dens to cosy down in for the Winter! We enjoyed exploring habitats and went on a nature walk to understand what lived in and around different trees. This week we visited the Church and took part in a 'Christmas Journey'. We learnt all about the Nativity story and took part in lots of activities.

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  • Latest news in Year 2

    Published 16/11/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have had a fantastic start to the new term. We were visited by Safari Stu who taught us about different animals. We asked lots of curious questions about the animals and learned about which animals hibernate and their habitats. We were very brave and handled the animals! 

    We have taken part in different activities for special occasions, such as remembrance day. We learned why this date was important and made poppies, by using mixed media. 

    We also had a special visit from the author M.P Robertson. He read some of his stories to us and taught us how to illustrate a dragon. We had so much fun! 

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  • Fantastic finish in Year 2

    Published 31/10/24, by Andy Mari

    What a fantastic last few weeks for Year 2! We ended our Great Fire of London topic of with a bang. Thank you to all adults who attended our fantastic finish. The children loved sharing their learning with you and loved burning down the houses and recreating the great fire! 

    We have been celebrating Black History Month and we have been learning about significant people in history, including Kathryn Johnson and Leland Melvin. 

    In Science, we have enjoyed conducting experiments to explore the properties of materials. We investigated which ball would bounce the highest and worked in teams to find out! 

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  • Diary entry writing in Year 2.

    Published 13/10/24, by Andy Mari

    A brilliant two weeks for Year 2. We have continued learning about the Great fire of London and have produced some fantastic diary entries in our writing lessons. We had a visit from Samuel Pepys, who told us about his experience during the Great Fire. He even had some smelly objects for us to smell and experience! Last week we celebrated National Poetry day. We focussed on Respect and worked together to share ideas about what this would look, feel and taste like. We then created our own poem and entered a poetry competition! We have continued to work collaboratively in maths and have been learning to add and subtract two digit numbers! 

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  • Latest news in Year 2

    Published 28/09/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have been very busy! We have had lots of experience days to inspire our writing, including a campfire, roasting marshmallows and bread baking! In Science, we have been exploring the properties of different materials and conducting experiments. In DT we have been exploring structures, we have explored the stability of different shapes and have worked together to create our own structures. We have continued to develop our understanding of number in maths and continue to use different equipment to build numbers to help us solve problems. In history, we have enjoyed learning more about the Great Fire of London and created a breaking news story on why we think it happened! 

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  • Welcome to Year 2!

    Published 15/09/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have had an excellent start to the new school year! We have enjoyed exploring our new text, and completed different activities to understand different emotions. In History, we have been learning about the Great fire of London! In Maths, we have been exploring numbers to 100 and have been working together to solve problems. In Literacy, we have been using adjectives to describe different things. We loved drinking hot chocolate and then describing it afterwards! 

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  • Latest news in Year 2

    Published 15/06/24, by Andy Mari

    It has been a lovely few weeks back from the half-term break.  Year 2 have enjoyed exploring fractions in Maths. We have been working together to find half's, quarters and thirds. In writing we are reading The Crows Tale and will be writing our own ending of the narrative. We started by exploring the front cover first and making predictions about the text. In Art, we have been developing our colour mixing skills. We used primary colours to mix and used our sketch books to practise this. 

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  • Moving Monters in Year 2.

    Published 29/05/24, by Andy Mari

    A fantastic end of the half-term for Year 2. We have been working on Purple Mash to create different types of art. We studied different artists and used their pieces as inspiration when designing our own. In DT, we studied how to make objects move and designed and created our own moving monsters. We loved sharing our creations with our friends and evaluated our work when we had finished. We have loved exploring different texts in our HOB sessions. We have continued to develop our reading skills and enjoyed learning new vocabulary! 

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  • Latest news in Year 2

    Published 11/05/24, by Andy Mari

    Year 2 have had a fantastic two weeks learning about knights and writing instructions on how to be one. We used our trip to Mountfitchet as inspiration and learned about knights and how they lived. Next week we will start to write another set of instructions on how to fence. We took part in a fencing lesson to learn all the different steps! 

    We have also been exploring 2d shapes in Maths and have especially enjoyed finding lines of symmetry! 

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