This week in Year 2

Our first week back after half term has been another action-packed week in Year 2! We have continued to add and subtract numbers up to 1000 in Maths, this week with regrouping our ones and tens in additions.
We have started our new topic in Literacy, we have looked at our new book called ‘Winter Sleep’ in where we are researching hibernating animals. To enhance our learning, we had a special visitor on Wednesday morning. ‘Safari Stu’ came in to see us and bought some of his amazing animals with him. We were lucky enough to learn about some animals that hibernate and others that don’t and some of the reasons why. Some of us were even brave enough to hold, chameleons, giant cockroaches, stick insects from Papua New Guinea, lizards, a tortoise, a tenrec, some snakes and a tarantula!!!
In Geography we have started to look at Antarctica and the conditions that exist there. We have also started a new Art topic in where we made letters of the alphabet using our bodies to create the shapes! It’s fair to say it's been an exciting week back in Year 2!
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