Latest news in Year 2

This week Year 2 had the pleasure of a visitor called Phil from the RNLI. Our topic this half term is ‘Journeys’ and it was brilliant to hear about some facts and see some flags that the RNLI use to keep everybody safe when they visit the seaside. He mentioned the story of Grace Darling and how brave she was saving people from the sea, which is where our next Literacy unit links very well to the RNLI. Thank you for visiting us.
We had our ‘Books and Blankets’ morning on Monday. It was lovely to see so many children and adults reading together. Thank you to all that came. We look forward to the next event, whenever that can be!
Last Friday for World Book Day, Year 2 took inspiration from Dr Suess’ and decided to make Green Eggs and Ham. We wrote some instructions about how we could make these in the morning and then lots of brave children tried them that afternoon after making them. It was brilliant to see everyone dressed up and immersing themselves in the essence of the day.
In Maths, we have been learning about Money. Recognising the value of different coins and notes. We even played shopkeepers to buy items from each other.
Elsewhere, we have started to build our own Ferris Wheels in DT and in science are continuing to understand materials and how they are used.
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