Latest news in Year 4
Year 4 have been busy completing their torch projects. They went back to their plans and then used different materials to clad their torch to help it fit the design brief. They then had the difficult job of putting their circuit into the housing without breaking the circuit. Lots of perseverance was needed at this point! We were really impressed with the creativity of the children and how they added extra features such as handles to their designs.
In Maths, we have been using our work on decimals and applying this to money. The children have used their rounding skills to estimate before calculating worded problems. We have had lots of discussions about the relevance of this and how it is useful in real life experiences.
In Literacy, we have started to write a story based on the book called The Whale by Ethan and Vita Murrow. We started this unit by carrying out our own research about whales. We also had another experience day where we used items in a backpack to discover more about the main character in our story. Then, we made predictions about the choices she might make in the story.
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