Year 5 exploring drama techniques

Year 5 have continued to be immersed in their learning about the Victorian era and have started reading the book – Street Child by Berlie Doherty. Both classes loved taking part in an experience day where they had to act out the first chapter of the story. They explored the different ideas and feelings in the scene and thought about how they could use expression in their voices and face. Acting out the scene really helped the children to understand the scene and get a better grasp of how the characters were feeling at this point in the story. We can’t wait to find out what happens to the main character Jim and his family next. In groups, we acted out the first chapter called ‘Shilling Pie. We focused on the main events:
- Jim arriving to the shop
- Shopkeeper attitude towards Jim
- Buying the pie
-The reactions of the family
We shared our performances to the class and analysed with two stars, one wish.
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