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Reception Blog

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  • Lunar New Year in Reception.

    Published 01/02/25, by Andy Mari

    This week in Reception, we have been very excited to learn about the Lunar New Year and welcomed in The Year of the Snake. On Monday, we had an experience day when we took part in lots of different activities based on the Lunar New Year.  The children were very creative and made their own lanterns, which they decorated and put up in our classrooms. We also learnt about the different types of food eaten during the Lunar year and throughout the week the children made their very own noodle stir-fry. At Roebuck, we are Chefs!

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  • Lost and Found

    Published 19/01/25, by Andy Mari

    This week in Reception the children have really enjoyed the story Lost and Found for our Drawing Club. The children have loved thinking about different ways to get to the south pole and the animals that they might find there. We have also been learning about winter, with the weather being so cold. The children used their art skills to mix different shades of blue. They then used cotton buds to carefully create their snowflake pictures, which look amazing on display in class. Well done everyone!

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  • Latest news in Reception

    Published 23/12/24, by Andy Mari

    This week the children in our reception classes have performed for their parents and carers in our Christmas show 'A Snowman at Sunset'. The children were all truly entertaining and made everyone so proud with their wonderful singing and acting. The children learnt a number of songs about wanting it to snow, making snowmen and even being angry. Every child took part and showed such confidence. It is quite daunting standing on stage in front of a hall full of people, but our reception children did brilliantly. Thank you to everyone that was able to watch our performance, and we hope you left feeling in a festive mood! Well done Oak and Willow Class!

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  • Elmers special day in Reception.

    Published 01/12/24, by Andy Mari

    This week in our reception classes, we continued our topic on celebrations by reading the book 'Elmer's Special Day'. In the story, it is time for the annual Elmer's day celebrations. All the elephants noisily paint themselves with wild colourful patterns in preparation for the parade. The children have all enjoyed designing their own Elmer ears using a variety of different resources. The children looked closely at the patchwork designs in the book and made sure that all the squares on their ears were decorated differently. The children then all enjoyed wearing their ears for a class parade. The book is a wonderful way to not only celebrate Elmer but to also celebrate friendship, kindness and inclusivity. Well done Oak and Willow class.

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  • Drawin club in Reception

    Published 31/10/24, by Andy Mari

    This half term, Reception have started their Drawing Club journey. Each week we explore a new book and draw a picture daily. This week we have looked at the text 'The Ghost Train' and had a wonderful time drawing skeletons, trains and ghosts. We are beginning to give meaning to our marks and writing initial sounds to words and writing simple cvc words. We are thrilled with the progress the children have made so far with their writing. At Roebuck we are writers!

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  • Artists and explorers in Reception

    Published 13/10/24, by Andy Mari

    This week in Reception we have been very busy learning all about Autumn. At forest school this week, the children were collecting different leaves and then sorted them according to their size. The children have loved joining in with lots of Autumn activities, including washing pumpkins, painting pumpkins and using their fine motor skills to hammer golf tees into a pumpkin. We have also used our artist skills this week to explore autumn colours, and the children have painted a picture of an autumn tree which looked amazing on display this week. Well done everyone for another fantastic week!  At Roebuck, we are artists and explorers!  

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  • Welcome to Reception!

    Published 15/09/24, by Andy Mari

    Oak and Willow class have settled really well into routines at Roebuck Academy.

    This week has been the children's first full week in Reception, and everyone continues to look very smart in their new uniforms. We have shared stories, sang nursery rhymes and become familiar with our new classrooms. The children have played beautifully with each other and are starting to make new friends as well as re-establish old friendships. Lunchtime has been a new experience for the children, and they have coped with it very well. The children eat in the hall and are learning to become more independent by clearing away their lunch items themselves. We also enjoyed our first PE lesson with our sports coach Mr K and showed our artistic skills by drawing our own self-portraits.

    The EYFS team really enjoyed welcoming the children and getting to know them. We are all looking forward to the year ahead learning about lots of wonderful and exciting things together. Well done Oak and Willow class.

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  • Marvellous Me in Reception

    Published 15/06/24, by Andy Mari

    In Reception, the children have been learning all about our senses as part of the topic 'Marvellous Me.'  We learnt all about the 5 different senses: sight, touch, taste, hearing and sight. The children were then given a challenge to identify 5 different foods or drink by their smell. These included vinegar, hot chocolate and coffee. The children made a prediction before finding out if they had identified the smell correctly. The children have also been busy observing as our caterpillars have continued to grow. We have been talking all about the different stages of the lifecycle. We are now watching carefully to see when our caterpillars spin their cocoons. At Roebuck, we are scientists!

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  • Latest news in Reception

    Published 29/05/24, by Andy Mari

    This week in our Reception classes, the children have been busy working on their handwriting. Every day, the children in Reception get a visit from Marvin the Monkey.  Marvin is a friendly, stripey monkey who teaches the children to write cursive letters. Each letter he teaches them has a story and a picture to help them remember how to write the letter correctly. Marvin has two golden rules - start on the line every time and start with a little smile. Every day, Marvin looks at the children's handwriting and if he is really pleased with the children, he gives them a special Marvin clap. Look how quickly and beautifully the children have learnt to form their letters. At Roebuck Academy we are writers. 

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  • Minibeast hunters in Reception.

    Published 11/05/24, by Andy Mari

    This week, the children in Reception have helped their teachers build a bug hotel for our outdoor garden. The children have spent a long time collecting various natural materials like leaves and sticks to create a home for minibeasts. We have also planted wildflowers to encourage lots of visitors to our bug hotel. The children are now very busy looking after the seedlings and of course hunting for minibeasts. At Roebuck we are minibeast hunters!

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  • Splash in Reception

    Published 27/04/24, by Andy Mari

    It has been a busy start to the Summer term with lots of amazing learning happening. This half term our topic is called 'Splash'. We have been busy learning all about water, how we use it, where you would find it and how you can travel on it. We decided to focus our learning this week on finding out about different sea creatures. We loved watching different video clips of amazing sea creatures and used non-fiction books to find out about different sea creatures. The children then put their artistic skills to work by creating their own individual sea creature which we added to our class display. At Roebuck Academy we are artists!

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  • Easter in Reception

    Published 02/04/24, by Andy Mari

    It has been extremely busy in our Reception Classes with so much going on. A few highlights from the last two weeks have included learning about bubbles as part of science week. We wanted to find out if bubbles are always round. We had so much fun experimenting with water, washing up liquid, glycerine and different types of bubble wands. We even made our own wands out of pipe cleaners! We have also been learning about Easter and in our classes discussed how we celebrate Easter with our families. At Forest School we went on an exciting Easter egg hunt! Our teachers had hidden lots of different coloured easter eggs around the forest for us to find. We had so much fun finding them. We ended our Easter themed week by looking after real-life chicks! We found out how to look after them and the life cycle of a hen.

    Well, done to all our children for another great term. We hope you all have a wonderful Easter. In Reception we are superstars!

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