Sizzling Start to Summer Term

The children came back with enthusiasm and eagerness to learn.
The first week saw us take part in the Race for Life where we asked the children to run around the school field twice to raise money for cancer research. All the children did this even with their little legs and some kept on going. Sponsorship money came flooding in and we were overwhelmed with the support which showed us all how close this charity is to so many of us.
We also had the final count of the Wiggle Walk sponsorship – £272!! Fantastic effort and thank you to everyone that joined in.
The last week of April saw the introduction of the story 3 Billy Goats Gruff. The children have really got into the story and have enjoyed re-telling it on the stage, using the puppets and face masks. They were then set the challenge to make a bridge for the troll to sit under and the goats to walk across. Their efforts always amaze us especially with the imagination, collaboration and skill that we see in each child. We saw a bridge made outside using the crates to inside bridges made of lolly sticks and even paper!