Latest Dream catcher assembly- Mrs Green
This weeks Dream Catcher assembly saw Mrs Green, parent of Harry and Samuel talk to the children about her role as a Senior Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). She has been involved in this work for over 16 years and as well as attending incidents such as car crashes and domestic fires, she has even delivered 15 babies.
Having attended primary school in Knebworth and then Secondary school in Welwyn Garden City, Mrs Green went to College and was working in Education in a Nursery. However she decided to change what she was doing because she felt she wanted to help people. So she retrained and after 18 month of training she became an Associate Ambulance Practitioner (AAP). She is now usually one of the first people on the scene of accidents to help the people and assess if more help is required from emergency services. Mrs Green now even helps train students who want to join the profession. When asked by the children what her "Nugget of wisdom" would be, she said to keep trying to do whatever you want to do, if you keep trying you will always succeed, it might just take you a little longer, but don't give up!
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