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  • At Roebuck, we want our children to receive a high-quality mathematics education that ensures that ALL pupils are fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, have the ability to reason mathematically and can apply their knowledge and understanding to solve problems. We also want them to have an appreciation of the power of mathematics and a sense of fun and curiosity about the subject.
  • Ensure that every child becomes confident in using and applying mathematics by the time they leave Roebuck Academy.
  • To promote and instil a love for mathematics into pupils at all ages.
  • To derive a Maths curriculum which is sequenced to develop the acquisition of knowledge and skills enable children
  • To adopt a mastery approach to teaching maths, ensuring children understand the maths rather than just how to find the answer



At Roebuck Academy we use a mastery approach to teaching mathematics. We do this through using our scheme of work, Maths - no problem. It is a whole-school primary maths programme which adopts a spiral design, meaning key concepts are presented repeatedly throughout the curriculum but with deepening layers of complexity. Maths – no problem provides everything needed to support a mastery approach to teaching and learning mathematics, and meet the higher expectation of the 2014 National Curriculum. It adopts a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (C-P-A) approach which forms an integral part of the learning process throughout the scheme.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, maths is taught through the Maths – no problem units, which are then practised and rehearsed by the children in various carefully planned hands-on activities. Through teaching maths we give all children ample opportunity to develop their understanding of number, measurement, pattern, shape and space through varied activities that allow them to enjoy, explore, practise and talk confidently about mathematics.

In Key Stages 1 and 2, maths is taught for an hour a day.

Each hour-long maths session begins with a times table focus. The remainder of the hour is clearly broken down into: collaborative exploration of a reasoning question, direct teaching, partnered guided practice and independent work. Misconceptions are discussed throughout the session, both those that are planned for and those which arise during the lesson. Within a lesson there are various challenges for the children to complete which deepen their level of understanding on the key concept being explored.   

We supplement our daily maths lessons with a daily calculation practice (5-A-Day) in every year group and weekly arithmetic and times-tables tests. These have improved fluency across the school and have led to a huge increase in the capability to use arithmetic methods.

Reception and Key Stage 1 also teach Mastering Number. This is a short session which can take place within the maths lesson or at a separate time. This aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number.

Maths – no problem is based on Singapore method, which has been tested and refined over the past 30 years, and has been founded on the learning theories of Piaget, Dienes, Bruner, Skemp and Vygotsky. The programme has been designed to produce a deep, secure understanding of maths in learners of every attainment level. It enables all children to develop critical thinking skills, make mathematical connections and become confident mathematicians.

The emphasis on a Concrete- Pictorial- Abstract approach (CPA), particularly the use of bar modelling, is introduced and forms the basis of maths teaching in school. Each new concept is consistently introduced based on previous learning; then subtle procedural variations in questioning deepen the children’s understanding, almost without them noticing!


Using Maths – No Problem we expect the following to be seen in a typical maths lesson:

  • A narrow focus; with depth, variation and precise questioning and dialogue with pupils to assess conceptual and procedural knowledge
  • Less direct whole class teaching and more of an emphasis on group and paired exploration and guided practice.
  • Children working independently at times, either using manipulatives or working through work books that are designed to build speed and fluency and to deepen their understanding with carefully designed procedural variations and problem solving challenges.
  • More able children are challenged with well pitched tasks which require in-depth problem-solving and investigative tasks, encouraging them to think harder.
  • Teachers and TAs targeting any children who require more support, both during the lesson and in Rapid Intervention sessions held as soon as possible after the lesson.
  • Children’s work will be marked in lessons where possible with adult support to correct misconceptions and next steps given to deepen and extend learning. Children are also encouraged to take ownership of the marking process and to self assess the next steps in their learning. 
  • Development of children's maths oracy, answering questions using full sentences and making the use of sentence stems and starters to help reveal the maths


In children's maths journals we expect: 

  • High presentation expectations
  • Clear evidence of progression with more able children completing additional challenges enabling them to prove, show and explain the maths
  • Where children have received additional adult support or rapid interventions this will also be clearly indicated
  • Clear evidence of curriculum coverage
  • A Concrete Pictorial- Abstract approach (CPA) to tasks

Multiplication tables

To help improve children’s knowledge and application of their multiplication tables, children are given opportunities to learn tables in a variety of ways. Teachers systematically plan when tables are taught throughout the year to ensure that all tables are taught before the Year 4 Multiplication test in the summer Term. They employ a sequence that involves Learning tables, rehearsing tables, recalling tables and then Assessing their knowledge of table facts. To support this, Teachers make use of an online resource TT Rockstars, which the children are encouraged to access at home to help grow confidence in the quick recall of their times tables.


Use of Maths – no problem is consistently taught through the year in Year 1 to Year 6 with a higher focus on the use of Concrete- Pictorial- Abstract and this is most evident across the school when looking through children’s books. Problem-solving remains a focus for teachers to work on as some children still find this element of maths tricky. Through the focussed arithmetic sessions, confidence in the use of the four rules of number has increased throughout Key Stage 1 and key Stage 2.

Children enjoy using TT Rockstars and fluency in multiplication tables have improved across the school.