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Statutory Information

Roebuck Academy is very fortunate to have an active and knowledgeable team of Governors. They are very involved in the direction and improvements made by the academy. Governors visit the academy regularly and take part in many academy events, including a half-termly 'Governors in School' half day which may include tours and lesson observations, meeting with Subject Leaders and members of the Senior Leadership team as well as having opportunities to meet with children , senior staff, receive information through formal presentations and informal time to assess and listen to staff voice. 

Each staff Governor links with an SLT member to understand more about the work of specific areas of the academy and to be able to offer advice and further scrutiny where appropriate.

Link Governor Roles

We  adapt our link governor roles to cover the key areas of our development plan alongside a whole-school overview, finance, and business management. The expectation would be for a termly meeting focusing on progress against the target area. Where possible, it would be good to identify a governor or pairs of governors to ensure availability and sharing of expertise.

Key Area

Staff Member

Link Governor 2024 -2025

Safeguarding/Children Looked After

Krista Toal, Andy Mari

Celia Farley

Priority 1: Writing bottom 20%

Literacy Leads- Andreana Barton, Hannah Taylor

Michelle Chapman

Priority 2: Behaviour

Krista Toal, Andreana Barton

James Lawson

Priority 3: Target parents/ carers to improve engagement in education.

Krista Toal, Clare Elson

Michelle Chapman

Priority 4: Work with families to break down the barriers to good attendance.

Andy Mari, Carla Johnson

Celia Farley

Priority 5: Improve the quality of their play and outdoor learning opportunities

Candice Longhurst, Krista Toal

Victoria Upton


Lisa Hnatiuk/ Andreana Barton

Victoria Upton


Clare Elson

Michelle Chapman