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Young Carers

YOUNG CARERS – A young carer is defined in law as a “person under 18 who provides or intends to provide care to another person”. This includes “providing practical or emotional support” (Children and Families Act, 2014). The young carer may provide care or support to someone with a physical illness/disability, including mental ill health, sensory disability or has problematic use of drugs or alcohol. Young Carers are a vulnerable and disadvantaged group, who often experience difficulties in their education. They can often go unnoticed. Without support, they can struggle to attend school and make good progress. Identifying and supporting young carers is an effective way of improving the attainment and attendance of this pupil group. Our school are proactive in identifying and supporting young carers. Further information and support can be obtained via Barnardo’s Action with Young Carers or by speaking to a member of our safeguarding team.